The ability to individualise HRT treatment by offering a separate micronised progesterone and allowing the tailoring of the oestrogen component for vasomotor symptom control.1,23 Combining Utrogestan (micronised progesterone) 100mg with oestrogen

In HRT, oestrogen is required for vasomotor symptom control and progesterone is required to protect the endometrium from the oestrogen-induced risk of endometrial cancer.1,23

Using Utrogestan 100mg gives you the ability to individualise your patient’s treatment and allows tailoring of the oestrogen component to ensure effective control of their vasomotor symptoms.1,23

There are a wide range of unopposed oestrogen preparations available in different forms.30

  • Transdermal (gels and patches)
  • Oral (tablets)

Oestrogen Treatment

Besins Healthcare (UK) Ltd also provides a transdermal oestrogen (estradiol) gel for vasomotor symptom control in postmenopausal women, which is a body identical and transdermal oestrogen gel that comes in a pump-pack for convenient dose dispensing.2, 15


1. Utrogestan Summary of Product Characteristics. Available from Last accessed: April 2021.
2. Panay N, Post Reprod Health 2014;20(2):69-72.
15. Oestrogel Summary of Product Characteristics. Available from Last accessed: October 2021.
16. Data on file OES/2020/012.
23. Archer DF, et al. Menopause 2012;19(6):622-629.
30. Data on file BHUK/2018/270.