Burden of Menopause Providing women with information about HRT can help when making decisions about the treatment options they would prefer. You can also discuss the impact of their symptoms. Healthcare professionals have a key role in the management of the menopause.

In a survey of 203 UK Healthcare Professionals published by the British Journal of Family Medicine (BJFM)4


of healthcare professionals think the menopause should be managed in primary care4


of healthcare professionals feel confident in managing the menopause4

Burden of menopause

Almost 1 in 3 postmenopausal women < 55 years rate their vasomotor symptoms as moderate to severe5,6

of menopausal women experience hormone withdrawal symptoms7
of them severely7

Moderate to severe menopausal symptoms can have a negative impact on a woman’s well-being and health expectancy7


4. British Journal of Family Medicine: Results from the BJFM menopause survey, January 2018. Available from https://www.bjfm.co.uk/results-from-the-bjfm-menopause-survey Last accessed April 2021.
5. Gartoulla P, et al. Maturitas 2016;87:33-39. 
6. Gartoulla P, et al. Menopause 2015;22:694-701.
7. Palacios S, et al. Women’s Health 2019;15:1–8.